Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I hope to look at myself in a specific and thorough way in this blog. I hope to look at specific patterns in my thoughts and deeds and behaviors, and to try experimenting to improve myself. I wish to do this not out of self-hatred, but out of self-love, and in a thoroughly practical way. I am aiming to make myself aware of instances of immorality, no matter how tiny, so that I may then change them.

This shall be a difficult process. Firstly, the worst flaws of a person are those they are blind two, and secondly, in overcoming the assumptions we all have about them, the mental laziness we all have, and in our own feelings of learned helplessness.

I am not saying I am not a good person. Like most of humanity, like yourself, I'm an ordinary person, trying to do the best he can. I'm merely seeking to devote more time and attention to this task then is typical, and approach it in a systematic way.

I am not even altogether certain exactly what would constitute immorality, and so I shall have to think aloud as it were, on issues of philosophy and virtue and so on. Not because I wish to convince anyone - please do not think so -  but because I cannot really try and improve myself unless I think about these things in some manner. Of course, I have tried to think about them before, and so perhaps some of the things I shall think aloud on are prior thoughts. But I wish to be systematic about it.

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